1·Fist lines of this file are comments that explain content of the file, author and another relevant information.
2·This paper used the "harmony" as a point of view to explain content of protection and renewal of the small fish hill historic district.
3·The EXPLAIN_FROM_CATALOG procedure produces explain information about a statement using the content of the section from the catalog tables.
EXPLAIN_FROM_CATALOG 过程将使用目录表中的片段内容生成有关一条语句的解释信息。
4·These artifacts do not replace the product backlog but instead should elaborate and explain its content. And keep things simple.
5·The following subsections explain how to move the static content to the Web server for each Lotus Connections feature in the case where a caching proxy is not used.
以下章节将讨论在没有使用缓存代理的情况下,如何将静态内容移至每个Lotus Connections特性的Web服务器上。
6·First, we'll explain how to create a content adapter in an existing portlet project.
7·They seem quite content with the combination of factors that help explain Germany's comeback.
8·Use information from the job Posting to explain how you can meet a particular employer's needs by adjusting the content and focus areas of your application materials.
9·We cannot explain change in the nature of the content when our theory specifically defines personality only as content.
10·To help explain wiki-and-blog-content REST-based services, we describe the supported URL patterns, HTTP methods, and request parameters.
为了帮助解释 wiki 和博客内容基于 REST 的服务,我们首先介绍受支持的 URL 模式、HTTP 方法和请求参数。